If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. I’d like to claim that as an original DRF saying, but Will Rogers beat me to it. Sage counsel from a fellow with his head screwed on right. Rogers’ encouragement fits together with one definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The point being, there are instances, circumstances, times in life when something new begs to be tried or else one might find oneself at the bottom of that hole babbling nonsense.
I’ve mentioned in a previous post that there are obviously happenings in life that we are powerless to change. For example, if one becomes permanently paralyzed from the waist down, the quest to walk again is a futile one. But to dwell on that fact and perhaps keep hoping that some morning you’ll wake up, jump out of bed, and hit the floor running is a dead-end street . . . or a deeper and deeper psychological hole. So the question becomes: what might I do that IS within my power and control to react to the situation in a way that is constructive and positive both to me and those around me. There is no textbook answer for every or anything that might befall one. But somewhere around chapter three, page-whatever in the Book of Life it is revealed that wallowing in negativity only begets more of the same.
Resources abound to help point one in alternative directions . . . alternatives to life feeling ever more like the blues. But the proverbial grabbing-the-bull-by-the-horns in terms of seeking out ways to not let the negativities of life overwhelm one is something that can only be done by the individual.
Actually, there is a way to dig oneself out of a hole. Simply dig laterally for dirt and progressively pile up a vertical mound tall enough to climb out. It’s thinking outside of the box . . . or in this case, the hole.